Please upload your artwork for the Conference Book Ad.
Required Specifications:
Image File Format: JPEG, PNG, TIFF or PDF
Image Resolution: 300 dpi
Dimensions (European standard):
1. Full Page: 5.25″ W x 7.85″ H (13.35 cm W x 20.0 cm H) — $100.00
2. Half Page: 5.25″ W x 3.75″ H (13.5 cm W x 9.75 cm H) — $60.00
3. Quarter Page: 2.5″ W x 3.75″ H (6.25 cm W x 9.75 cm H) — $40.00
(Please note: All Conference Journal ads will be printed in black and white)
The artwork for the your ad must be either submitted by August 15, 2020 to:
Or, uploaded via the link below.
Thank you for your support.
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